The genre of our film extract was based on a psychological thriller, as a groupwe decided to use this genre as you can use a range of camera angles and sound effects to fit this genre. Before filming we came up with a number of camera shots that we would want to use whilst filming, we looked at various clips from films where they used point of view shots, this was so when the protagonist in our extract was looking around we would use a point of view shot. We looked at a scene from Spiderman in which they used this,
We, in our extract then took ideas from this shot and used it in our extract when the main character first realised her gift for reading minds.
We also looked at a scene from Spiderman where the main character first develops his powers, in this scene we looked at the close up of his eyes.
We wanted to recreate this in our extract as it would show the audience how the character is feeling at that point in the film.
As i was the sound editor, i looked at soundtracksfrom different genres of films but mainly thrillers, i looked at the opening to 'Halloween', this uses a range of different sound effects to build up a soundtrack. Originally, we wanted to use non diegetic sounds to build sounds in the protagonists head rather tan using a soundtrack, which would have created the effect of her tuning her mind into reading peoples thoughts. We looked at a clip from 'Twilight' where the character reads minds, we did this as we didn't no how we were going to portray the protagonist hearing the thoughts of others. In the clip we looked at, the character says the thoughts of the people around him out loud, whereas we wanted to portray the character hearing the thoughts in her head rather than saying them.
After we filmed our extract and had edited it, we looked at using non diegetic sounds such as radio tuning and walkie talkie tuning to create the effect that the character could feel her head being tuned into the thoughts of others around her. After doing this i realised that by putting a soundtrack onto the extract would enhance the tension throughout the clip, i used a range of sounds and effects on top of each other which built tension but also showed how her mind was not the same as a normal persons.
I created the soundtrack by using non diegetic sounds from 'Garageband', by overlapping sound effects and also using instrumental music, this showed how the extract was building up to the end of the scene and also what the main character could hear in her head.
When using the point of view shot we quickened up the music, this was to show the character becoming more alarmed at her gift, we also wanted to create the effect of her hearing lots voices at the same time to create confusion, we used diegetic sounds to create this, we recorded various people saying different things, we then overlapped them to show that she was hearing all of the thoughts of the people around her.
Overall, our film extract had everything we intended, we have used a good range of camera shots and music, and have edited the extract well so it all fits together, we used some clips twice to create the effect of repitition, we did this so it would create confusion as this is what the character would be feeling in the scene. We also built up non diegetic and diegetic sounds to create different illusions of what was going to happen, so the audience wouldnt know what would happen next. If we were able to use any shot we could, we could have used a vertigo shot, we tried to create this effect while filming with the camera but it didn't work that well. If we could have used any equipment we could have used a more varied range of sound effects and used different effects with the camera. However, the extract worked well.