R-04 FILM EXTRACT: Costume and Location Ideas
Tuesday, 20 January 2009
Costume and Location Ideas
Costume ideas
The costume ideas for the character's are very simple as we ant it took like it is any other day for all the character's nothing special. For the main character Mel simple jeans, jacket top, and uggs work with natural not bright colors. we chose this to create the idea that this gift could happen to any normal person. Sarah her best friend, we agreed to wear black and dark colours as we find out that she isn't a very nice person in the scene. So using light and shade that white is angelic and that black is evil. The other passing by character's are just strangers on the street, we tried to range the age of people from little kids, elders, middle aged and teens. Again going for the fact that it is an ordinary day with very ordinary people in it.

Location Ideas

These are very basic shots in cambridge centre, we admit it is a very obvious place to film and a well known location, but we wanted to get that feel as if we were filming in busy london. so the audience would get idea that this could happen to you in a well known urban city, also stories like this with a main charcter having a sixth sense or power tend to be set in an urban location. E.g. Spiderman or other comic book heros - New York city. Once again going with the idea that this is a very normal day and place, where the passers by are unaware that a girl is sitting on a bench and finally being able to hear people's thoughts. Also we wanted to get the effect of lots of people in the shot to show that she is being overwelmend by thoughts. And where better to shoot a busy public location that Cambridge city centre at 11.30-12.30 bang in the middle of lunch hour?

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posted by AS Film Studies Students @ 14:14  
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